This institute is located at sampoor, mutur. . This institute's Education level is prov.. It is in the Trincomalee district under Eastern provinence. Its education zone is Muttur under Muttur Educational division.It offers classes from G1-13.The total number of students in this institution is 541.There are 267 male and 274 female students in this institute.
Information At a Glance
District: Trincomalee
Province: Eastern
Education Zone: Muttur
Education Divison: Muttur
School level: Prov.
Year Span: G1-13
Total student: 541
Total male student From G1-5: 87
Total female student From G1-5: 79
Total student From G1-5: 166
Total male student From G6-11: 148
Total female student From G6-11: 162
Total student From G6-11: 310
Total male student in A/L: 32
Total female student in A/L: 33
Total student in A/L: 65
Total Special male student: 0
Total Special female student: 0
Total Special student: 0
Total male student: 267
Total female student: 274
Total student: 541